Christmas 2024 Mass Schedule announced
'Bloomin’ 4 Good' Program at Stop and Shop benefits St. Vincent dePaul Society
Beverly Catholic Collaborative/ St. Vincent dePaul Society has been selected as a beneficiary of the Stop & Shop Bloomin’ 4 Good Program for the month of December 2024.
The Stop & Shop Bloomin’ 4 Good Program, which launched in February 2021, is an easy way for shoppers to give back. Every $10.99 bouquet in the sleeve marked “Bloomin’ 4 Good” sold supports a hunger organization local to the Stop & Shop in which it was purchased. Society of St. Vincent dePaul was selected as the December beneficiary by local store leadership at the Stop & Shop located at 224 Elliott Street.
St. Vincent dePaul will receive a $1 donation for every $10.99 bouquet in the sleeve marked “Bloomin’ 4 Good.”
Outreach to homebound parishioners and healthcare facilities
Those parishioners who are unable to get to Mass can call or email Deacon Michael at 978-921-1291 or, and a volunteer will be happy to visit and bring Holy Communion.
Thank you to all the volunteers who have been bringing Holy Communion to the homebound and to local facilities. Thanks is also extended to all the volunteers, Saints Academy students and Religious Education students who have been providing cards and crafts for the homebound and those in health facilities for the past 2 1/2 years.
Because of this help the Collaborative is now able to reach almost 500 people at holidays and other times of the year. You are lifting up and bringing smiles to the faces of many local residents. Thank you!
If you would like to help write cards to the homebound and those in local facilities or can donate cards or postage, please contact Deacon Michael.